Mother tongue is the mother of unity

On February 19, on the eve of the International Mother Language Day, the Vinnytsia Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted a literary and artistic festival “Mother tongue is the mother of unity” organized as part of the cultural and artistic project “Different Languages - One Soul”.
The event was attended by 35 students from Vinnytsia Vocational School 1 and Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School.
For more than two decades, the regional library has traditionally hosted the languages of different nationalities living in Vinnytsia region on this day. Ukrainians, Poles, Crimean Tatars, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Czechs, Croats, Roma, and Armenians are concerned about preserving their native language, identity, and identity. However, living in Ukraine, we are all united by the Ukrainian language, which today, in times of war, is the language of freedom and a powerful weapon of the Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence and victory.
The celebration of the mother tongue was opened with a Ukrainian page presented by Vitalii Kyrnytskyi, a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, winner of the Stepan Rudanskyi All-Ukrainian Literary and Artistic Award, who skillfully recited a poem dedicated to the mother tongue of our famous writer Valentyna Storozhuk, and Khrystyna Bedzir, a singer and teacher at the Vinnytsia Professional College of Arts named after M.D. Leontovych. Leontovych, director of the Vinnytsia Academic City Chamber Choir named after Vitalii Gazinskyi, who performed the Ukrainian song “Chornobryvtsi” (words by M. Syngaivskyi, music by V. Vermenych).

This year, guests from Donetsk region joined the celebration of the native language. During the event, the literary and artistic celebration was broadcast live, which was also available to viewers in the East of our country.
In her speech, Olha Pavlushenko, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Ukrainian Language Department of the M. Stelmakh Faculty of Philology and Journalism of the Kotsiubynsky VDPU, noted that language is the code of the nation and that language is the main feature of the people. It shapes its national mentality, preserves cultural achievements, and is a living witness to its history.
The event featured Crimean Tatar, Polish, Jewish, Georgian, Azerbaijani, Czech, Croatian, Armenian, and Roma pages.
The celebration of the mother tongue ended symbolically with Ukrainian songs performed by the Podilsky Koloryt folk ensemble of the Yakushynets Village Council's Cultural Center (headed by Yevhen Denysiuk). The ensemble represents choral art in Podillia, is a multiple Grand Prix winner and winner of international and national competitions. After all, Ukrainian song is our spiritual treasure that unites us today!
The event was accompanied by a book and illustration exhibition “The Mother Tongue Rings, the Native Language Sings, Enchants, Pleases and Intoxicates” prepared by the staff of the Humanities, Technical and Natural Sciences Documents Department of the V. Atamanovsky VOUNS.
Technical support for the event was provided by the staff of the All-Ukrainian Center “Shchedryk”.

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Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів:
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Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів:
GPS: 49.232878090988, 28.480318963848

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів