Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational Education and Training (hereinafter referred to as Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of VET) is a state institution of out-of-school education, an integral part of continuing education, designed to provide additional education, training, and upbringing of students of vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions.
The priority tasks of Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational School Students of VET are:
- building a safe, comfortable, inclusive, modern, competitive educational environment;
- ensuring accessibility and barrier-free out-of-school education; realization of the right of children and youth to additional education by free choice of direction and profile;
- fostering patriotism, civic culture, respect for the cultural values of the Ukrainian people, spiritual and historical heritage, and national traditions;
- formation of intellectual, social and spiritual capital of the younger generation, ready to meet the challenges of the future;
- social health of young people, crime prevention, reduction of the number of offenses;
- early identification and development of creative abilities of students, assistance and support for gifted youth;
- continuous professional and personal growth focused on the highest achievements and practices;
- Ensuring the growth of professional competence of teachers, responsibility for the results of educational activities.
Students of vocational education and training institutions of the region aged 15 to 22 are enrolled in Vinnytsia VET Center.
The institution has 24 clubs with more than 700 students in the following areas: artistic and aesthetic, scientific and technical, national and patriotic, social and rehabilitation, tourism and local history, library and bibliography.
The creative team of teachers makes every effort for the comprehensive development of students of vocational education institutions, their talents, intellectual, creative and physical abilities; formation of values and competencies necessary for successful self-realization, education of responsible citizens who are capable of making conscious social choices and directing their activities for the benefit of other people and society.
Vinnytsia SCAE VET actively cooperates with government agencies, NGOs, businesses, and philanthropists to organize and conduct joint events, implement projects, and support talented youth.