This year, the Center received 30 local history research papers authored by 61 students from 23 vocational education institutions in our region.
The winners are as follows (first degree diplomas):
in the nomination “Historical Heritage of the Ukrainian People”
Yulia Khrystych, Daryna Honcharuk, Kateryna Pastukhova, students of the Brailivsky Vocational Lyceum, for their work “Unforgotten Names” (supervisor Maya Bomk);
Hrynchuk Viktoriia, Tianutova Anastasiia, Didur Vladyslav, Karaush Oleksandr, students of the Kryzhopil Professional Construction Lyceum, for their work “History of Ternivka Village” (supervisor: Pustovit Tetiana Ivanivna);
Mykhaylenko Alyona and Zelenetskyi Matvii, students of the Nemyriv Vocational Lyceum, for their work “The Jewish community of Nemyriv and its influence on the identity of Nemyriv residents” (supervisor: Lavrova Nadiia Dmytrivna);
Sofia Lis, a student of the Mazuriv Agricultural Center for Vocational Education, for her work “Joachim Augustin Voloshynovsky: Return from Oblivion” (supervisor: Larysa Korba);
in the nomination “Family Chest: From Home to Church”:
Ivaniuk Daria, Lesyk Anna, students of Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School, for their work “I embroidered fate in the canvas with colorful and light threads...” (supervisor Tetiana Hrybyk);
Diana Bulich, Victoria Averina, students of the Kryzhopil Professional Construction Lyceum, for their work “Along the historical paths of the native land - the village of Netrebivka” (supervisor - Maria Moroz);
Anna Yakovenko, a student of the Teplyk Vocational Agricultural Lyceum in Vinnytsia region, for her work “Easter Traditions. The Rite of “Driving the Lord” (by Nadiia Ivakhnenko);
in the nomination “Military Victory of Ukrainians in the Traditions of Generations”:
Voroniuk Vladyslav, Goroshko Oleksandr, students of Komarhorod Higher Vocational School, for their work “From the Ashes of Oblivion” (supervisors: Logvyniuk Tetiana Pavlivna, Pasichnyk Tamara Ivanivna);
Anna Sikorska, a student of Vinnytsia Center for Vocational Education of the Processing Industry, for her work “Courage and Bravery Through Generations” (supervisor: Natalia Kodak);
in the nomination “Geography of the native land”:
Lina Senyk, Kateryna Fetisova, Iryna Pismak, students of the Higher Vocational School No. 11 in Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia, for the work “The Road to the Mysterious Past” (supervisor: Anna Topchiy);
Viktoriia Skorobohach, Aliona Strii, students of Higher Vocational School No. 41 in Tulchyn, for their work “The Road to the Mysterious Past”. Tulchyn, for their work “Tourist and recreational resources and recreational landscapes of the town of Tulchyn” (supervisor: Iryna Buryak-Habrys).
The research works of these students have been sent to participate in the next stage of the All-Ukrainian local history expedition of students “My Homeland - Ukraine”.
We sincerely congratulate the participants and winners and wish them further success! The submitted materials proved the serious approach of the students to search and research work, as well as their active interest in studying ethnographic, historical, geological and geographical objects of their land.