Regional exhibition-competition of greeting cards “I believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”

The Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational School Students held an exhibition and competition on December 6 to celebrate the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to support the fighting and patriotic spirit of our Ukrainian military and national and patriotic education of students through the visual arts.
The exhibition-competition was attended by 98 students from 26 vocational education institutions of the region.

The jury determined the following creative works of the students of vocational education in the region as the winners of the exhibition-competition:
First degree diploma:
“I Believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine” by Veronika Lisovenko, a student of the Zhmerynka Higher Vocational School (supervisor: Inna Gulyk);
“When the war is over...”, by Valentyna Pushkar, student of the State Institution ‘Center for Vocational Education №1 in Vinnytsia’ (supervisor: Vasyluk Olena). Vinnytsia” (headed by Olena Vasyliuk);
“We thank the heroes - the Defenders”, by Daniil Klementiev, a student of Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School (supervisor: Iryna Parkhomchuk);
“We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, ‘Warrior of Light’, authors: Maria Shuliak, Oksana Shevchuk, students of the Higher Art Vocational School No. 5 in Vinnytsia (directed by Muravchuk Iryna). Vinnytsia (supervisors: Olena Muravko, Yulia Kucherenko);

“Angel of Peace”, ‘Berehynia’, ‘Christmas trees’, ‘Generous evening...’, ‘We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, ‘I believe in the strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, ‘Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, ‘Thank you to the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, ‘We are grateful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine’, authors: Kateryna Bila, Anna Horban, Anastasia Drobovych, Victoria Kushnir, Oksana Shevchuk, Kristina Martsenyuk, students of the Higher Art Vocational School No. 5 in Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia (headed by Olena Muravko);
“I believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine” by Olha Kabak, a student of the Kryzhopil Professional Construction Lyceum (supervisor: Natalia Kryshtal)
“Ukraine, we believe in you!” by Melnyk Victoria, a student of the Hnivansky Vocational Lyceum (supervisor: Misyura Zoya Mykolaivna);
“Thank you to the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, ‘The Armed Forces of Ukraine is our Talisman’, by the authors: Yulia Havrylyshyna, Kateryna Panasiuk, students of the Vinnytsia Center for Vocational Education of Technology and Design (headed by Lesia Yukalchuk);
“I believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, by Daryna Tatunchak, student of the Vinnytsia Vocational School of Services (supervisor Oksana Torhayeva);

“With Love in the Heart! With faith in the Victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, authors: Valeriia Sukovata, Tetiana Bezpaliuk, Ivanna Kocherzhuk, students of Zabolotne Higher Vocational School named after D.K. Zabolotnyi (Antonina Susla);
“Congratulatory Amulet” by Andrii Lepeta, a student of the Zabolotne Higher Vocational School named after D.K. Zabolotnyi (Anzhela Danyliuk);
“Thank you, soldiers, for every dawn! You are with us, it is already a gift from God”, by Motyk Oleksandr, a student of Zabolotnyi Higher Vocational School named after D.K. Zabolotnyi (Kravchenko Oleksandr Mykolaiovych);
“Happy Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, by: Oleksandra Tuhusheva, Iryna Leonova, Iryna Yavorovych, students of Zabolotne Higher Vocational School named after D.K. Zabolotnyi (supervisor: Olha Pomilyayko);
“The Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, by Andrii Lepeta, a student of the Zabolotnyi Zabolotnyi Higher Vocational School (supervisor: Anzhela Danyliuk);
“My Angel Wears the Uniform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, ‘Our Reliable Support and Backbone’, by Veronika Kvashuk, a student of the Zoziv Professional Agricultural Lyceum (Alla Shaidaiuk);

“Come Back Alive” by Karina Shklyaruk, a student of Komarhorod Higher Vocational School (supervisor: Tetiana Haidey);
“I believe in you, soldier”, by Khrystyna Frosyniuk, a student of Komarhorod Higher Vocational School (supervisor: Tetiana Haidei);
“New Year's card”, ‘Vytynanka’, ‘Christmas tree’, by: Ivanka Bartashchuk, Alyona Kulyk, Alla Hroma, students of the Khmilnyk Agrarian Center for Vocational Education (headed by Viktoriia Kozachenko);
“Gratitude to the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, students of group 4 sk2 of Kuzminets Higher Vocational School (headed by Larysa Pidkruglyak);
“Thank you, our heroes”, by Andrii Katerynchuk, a student of the Teplyk Professional Agricultural Lyceum (supervisor: Maryna Diachenko).
On December 05, 2024, all creative works and New Year's gifts were handed over to wounded combatants and servicemen.

See more:
14 березня 2025 року Вінницьким державним центром естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів...
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м. Вінниця, вулиця Князів Коріатовичів, 3
Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів:
GPS: 49.232811536025, 28.480270684086
Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів:
GPS: 49.232878090988, 28.480318963848

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів

Вінницький державний центр естетичного виховання учнів професійно-технічних навчальних закладів