On December 04, 2024, the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Students of Vocational Schools, together with specialists from the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community Resilience Center and the International Anti-Drug Association, organized a preventive event on the topic: “Drugs - Truth and Myths” for 30 students of Vocational Schools5 in Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia, a group of creative people.
The speaker was Oleksandr Masliuk, an employee of the NGO “International Anti-Drug Association”.
The purpose of the event was to deepen knowledge about such a disease as drug addiction, the main drugs, their effects on the human body and ways to prevent drug addiction.
We express our gratitude to the International Anti-Drug Association and the administration of the Higher Art Vocational School No. 5 in Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia for their assistance in organizing the event.