On November 27, 2024, the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Students of Vocational Education Institutions organized a meeting of the methodological section of heads of scientific and technical clubs of VET institutions on the topic: “Artificial Intelligence in Technical Creativity: Innovative Approaches and Methods of Club Work” at the Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School.
The participants of the communication were 12 heads of scientific and technical clubs of vocational (vocational-technical) education institutions of the city, as well as the director of Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School Oleksandr Dmytryk, acting director of the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational School Students Alla Sapozhnik, and Natalia Bartko, a methodologist of the institution.
A sightseeing tour of the institution and the Training and Practical Center for Modern Information Technologies of the Vinnytsia Interregional Vocational School was organized for all those present.
The following issues were discussed at the meeting: motivation of students to participate in technical circles: how to develop teamwork skills; computer for everyone: life hacks and useful tips; secrets of comfortable work with GPT chat; innovative approaches and methods of circle work on scientific and technical creativity in the 2024-2025 academic year.
In the practical part of the event, all attendees took part in a master class on “Artificial Intelligence: Digital Future is Accessible to Everyone. The use of AI in the educational process: problems and solutions”.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the administration of Vinnytsia Interregional Higher Vocational School for their assistance in organizing the event.