On November 22, 2024, the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Students of Vocational Schools held a meeting of the methodological section of the heads of the circles of decorative and applied and fine arts of VET on the topic: “Ukrainian amulets: traditions and modernity” at the Vocational School of Vocational Education and Training5 in Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia by a group of creative people.
The expanded meeting was attended by 15 teachers, the acting director of the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational School Students Alla Sapozhnik and the Center's methodologist Valentyna Ivanova.
The meeting addressed topical issues of the need to revive and realize the ritual symbolism of traditional Ukrainian housing and home amulets.
The practical part included a video presentation “Christmas Spider and Didukh in the Traditions of the Ukrainian People” (Yurii Kucherenko, teacher of Vinnytsia Vocational School No. 5). Alla Sapozhnyk demonstrated a handmade Christmas spider and explained the methodology of its production.
Olena Muravko, a master of industrial training at Vocational School No. 5 in Vinnytsia. Vinnytsia, held a master class “Graphic patterns: poppies, birds”.
The winners of the All-Ukrainian exhibition-competition of decorative and fine arts “Know and Love Your Land” were awarded.
The event inspired many new creative ideas for developing the creative potential of gifted students and contributed to the psychological relief of the participants.