On November 19, the V. Atamanovsky Vinnytsia Regional Universal Scientific Library, in cooperation with the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational School Students, held literary readings “In the Company of Vasyl Kobets” dedicated to the 81st anniversary of the birth of the famous writer, journalist and public figure.
The event was attended by the Center's students, students of the Vinnytsia Center for Vocational Education and Design.
Throughout his life, the writer worked in the literary field, shared his experience with young people, nurtured young talents, took an active part in public life, encouraged us to preserve historical memory, inspired us to love Ukraine and was a true patriot of his country.
Vasyl Kobets's creative work is multifaceted. He has written poetry, novels, short stories, and translations. In 2018, Vasyl Dmytrovych published a twelve-volume collection of works written and published throughout his career. The publication also includes correspondence with public organizations, statesmen, ministries, famous writers, and the author's diary entries.
As a writer and public figure, Vasyl Kobets received many literary prizes and awards for his talent and tireless work.
The figure of Vasyl Kobets will forever remain in the hearts of the people of Podillia! Let us remember, dear friends, a talented writer from the land and read his works!
Victory and Peace to all of us!