Nataliia Bartko, a methodologist of the library and bibliographic department of the Vinnytsia State Center for Aesthetic Education of Vocational School Students, joined the conference. The event was held at the Odesa National Scientific Library in a mixed format (online/offline).
The focus was on bringing together scholars, practitioners, and experts to address topical issues regarding the role and place of information, cultural, scientific, and educational institutions in the development of Ukraine's creative sector under martial law; promoting deeper cross-sectoral cooperation aimed at strengthening the role of cultural, scientific, educational, and national memory institutions in the processes of preserving, protecting, developing, and popularizing the values of national and world culture.
Undoubtedly, the Odesa Library Summit served as a platform for communication, formed a space for dialogue and discussion of topical issues of professional activity, exchange of experience, creation, development and implementation of innovative practices of information, library, educational, socio-cultural activities.